
About Us

Our Philosophy

Our primary belief when helping to build a portfolio for our client is not to attempt to beat the market. Rather, we attempt to not let the market beat us. It is our philosophy that investors as a whole have been an engrained belief that they must take unnecessary risks in order to achieve this almost impossible goal of beating the market each year.

Our investment strategy is not attributable to chasing last years winners or hypothesizing on this years hot sectors. We rely on our foundation of building multi asset portfolio's that take advantage of diversification in the most cost effective manner possible. 

How markets behave is out of our control. How we will behave is however in our control, and we believe that diversification along with consistent rebalancing offers our clients a higher opportunity for success. By systematically trimming positions that have performed well and adding to positions that have recently not, we can utilize volatility to our advantage instead of becoming paralyzed by it. 

It is our belief that our clients benefit from comprehensive planning prior to the creation of an investment allocation. The goal of the financial planning process is two fold: First, it sets the framework for defining the goals, time horizon, risk tolerance, tax issues that the portfolio's will be required to be managed to. Secondly, it allows the client to become engaged directly in the necessary risk to achieve their definition of financial success.

Asset allocation and diversification do not ensure a profit or protect against loss.

Our Firm

We provide investment strategies to individuals, corporations, and foundations. We firmly believe that asset allocation* is an appropriate investment strategy, and feel it is our obligation to help our clients to never forget this.

Through our strategic relationships, we are able to provide a tremendously diverse lineup of potential solutions, including: mutual funds, individual stocks and bonds, CDs, variable annuities, fixed annuities, non-traded REITS, managed accounts, and exchange traded funds (ETF's).

It is our objective to add value to our client's portfolio's in 3 meaningful ways: Education about opportuntiies and options available to them as investors in a concise manner, timely and consistent rebalancing of accounts to keep an appropriate asset allocation, and reducing the emotional impact of investing by diversifying across asset classes and styles.


*No investment strategy, such as asset allocation or diversification, can guarantee a profit or protect against loss during periods of declining value.

Our Services

Our Associates

Trish Correa

Office Manager

Roric Griffith



"I have been in the financial services industry since 1996. I have seen, and have undergone, many changes since those early years. One consistent theme from my first day is a passion for helping people make smart decisions about their money. I believe that after each interaction I have with a client, they have at least one new idea or concept to keep with them forever about their investments, their goals, their opportunities. As I have often said, and been told by my clients, we become friends while working together to create a financial future that helps our client achieve success. As a fiduciary, I have an obligation to put my clients interests first at all times. We meet together, face to face, every 3 months. In the current environment, and moving forward, we will continue to offer virtual review meetings when a client wishes for that so that we can keep our commitment to consistent interaction with our clients. 


The love of investments has allowed me to further my love of golf, my love of barbecue, and my love of supporting local restaurants. I love my family dearly and love to see how they have made the world a better place for me to live in."

- Roric Griffith

Our Qualifications

Our clients can benefit from not only our years of experience, but the resources and organizations we work with.

Our ability to utilize these organizations provides our clients with high quality decision making tools.

In addition to such leading organizations, we are able to tap into the resources for commentary, theory, and practice management concepts from some of the most respected and sought after private money managers in the industry. Gathering information from a wide array of areas again allows us to help our clients to make well-informed, educated decisions with us pertaining to their financial strategy.

We have access to a very open platform of potential solutions for use with our clients. Our strategies can help blend the options that are suitable to our clients' goals. 

We’re looking forward to using our skill and knowledge to help you pursue your financial goals.

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